After watching the presentation video, I can proudly say that I have made a far better job compared to what I had done in the first oral presentation.

A mistake from the first presentation was that I couldn’t maintain eye contact with the audience. In the second presentation, I did my utmost to keep eye contact with them, looking at different groups of audience. That was also credited to my well-prepared notes. Most of the time, I did not have to look at the screen but instead spent my time with my audience.
My wording also fit my role as a marketer. It was enthusiastic enough to persuade my customers to adopt my product, yet still formal enough to fit the ambience. Besides, wearing formal clothes made me feel professional as well as helping me feel the responsibilities that I had to carry.
One point that needed improvement was the Q&A part. I think my team mates and I did not prepare well enough to give out satisfying answers to all of the questions raised.
As a team, thanks to the thorough preparation and the rehearsing phrase, we could perform a fine job during the presentation, switching smoothly from one speaker to another, synchronizing the slides with and speech, and working together to answer the questions during Q&A, though not very productively :)
In conclusion, I would like to thank Win Yee and Christabel for the great jobs they have done. Without them, we would not have had quite a successful presentation like that.
Below is the video clip of our presentation, credited to Christabel:
Below is the video clip of our presentation, credited to Christabel:
Hi Frank,
Congratulations for a job well done!
You have made your presentation very interesting this time around. I agree that you did improve from your OP1 performance. The opening part of your script was well thought of bringing lots of credits and bonus points for your team. I can still clearly recall how you successfully captured the attention of your audience. It sounded very much like marketing a product similar to ads. It suited the team you were representing which was a marketing team.
I must say that your team effectively chose a video that helped the audience understand more what cloud computing is. The content of the video was very relevant and its tone was consistent with your role as a staff of the marketing department of your company.
All in all, your team did a good job. This must be due to the concerted effort your team put up for this presentation through practice. This must also be very important for your team since you even employed the use of quite a number of visual aids such as the video and the panning and zooming of the presentation slides.
Good luck to your team’s Oral Defense!
Hey Frank,
Yes! I think we did quite a commendable job for the presentation! Thank you and Christabel for everything you have done to help the team!:D
I was really impressed with the enthusiastic and engaging introduction you delivered! I can see your improvement from OP1. Perhaps the last minute rehearsals did help us prepare ourselves better! You have managed to reduce the reliance on the slides with the cue cards there to help you. Your lively tone and the carefully selected words you’ve used also made the introduction impactful, giving a wonderful start to our presentation!
I must agree that it’s quite sad for our Q&A that we were unprepared for the kind of questions posed to us. Mr James’ questions really stunned me and I must thank you and Christabel for answering his questions quite promptly! I thought that we could have had a meeting to brainstorm all the possible questions that might have been thrown to us and prepared some answers for them. On my part, I thought that I wasn’t very familiar with the Cloud Computing topic yet to answer the questions thoroughly. But it wasn’t so bad that we couldn’t return a relevant answer to the questions so I thought that we did a fine job overall!
It was really great working with the team! All the best to your team for Oral Defence!
Win Yee
Hi Frank !
Let me first congratulate your team for putting a really interesting and impactful presentation. There was clearly a lot of preparation done prior to the actual oral presentation and it showed.
Frank, you were really engaging and dynamic in your oral presentation. In fact, you came across as someone who irrevocably believed that cloud computing is the solution and I could see that conviction in your non-verbal cues. You really made good use of gestures and your facial expressions projected a professional and friendly image of your team.
Secondly, although you had prepared a script, it did not come off as memorized. In fact you came across really natural and genuine. That is a really difficult trait to achieve hence I must commend you for that.
Lastly, although your team had some of the most challenging question posed , you team did a generally good job in addressing them. Although I did get fleeting glances of flustered looks in your team, you generally maintained your composure and addressed the questions to the best of ability. That is ultimately what is required of any effective presenters.
Best Regards,
Hi Frank,
First of all, Congratulations to your team for performing an awesome presentation and I admit that there has been a huge improvement from the Oral presentation 1.Well done!!
The whole presentation depends on the first speaker. If the first speaker fails to attract the audience then that’s it, it becomes difficult for the other speakers to attract them. So in every presentation I think the first speaker plays a crucial role and to be honest, In your part I should confess that you attracted the whole bunch of audience throughout your presentation and it became easy for your other team member’s to deliver. To me, you looked like a professional speaker.
Your voice was load and clear, and the pace you used was excellent that your message was clearly understood by the audience and thereby resulting in effective communication. I should admit that you had excellent eye contact with the audience and you never even looked at the cue cards or at screen which just tells the audience how well prepared and confident the speaker is and the video which your group used for the presentation clearly helped the audience to understand more on cloud computing.
The only negative I saw in your group’s presentation was during the Q & A session. It is true that we were all stunned by Mr.James questions and I think we need to do a lot of research to make our life easier during Q & A session.
Nevertheless, An excellent performance from your group and a huge improvement from the Oral presentation 1.Good luck for the Oral defense!!
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