Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Reflection on Oral Presentation 2

After watching the presentation video, I can proudly say that I have made a far better job compared to what I had done in the first oral presentation.

Learning from the mistakes from the first oral presentation when I did not prepare the scripts, enticing myself that I could do without full preparation, I did thoroughly write the scripts, proofread, and corrected the mistakes. In addition, that my team mates and I rehearsed again and again helped me in improving the speech and seeing beforehand what it would be like in the real presentation.

A mistake from the first presentation was that I couldn’t maintain eye contact with the audience. In the second presentation, I did my utmost to keep eye contact with them, looking at different groups of audience. That was also credited to my well-prepared notes. Most of the time, I did not have to look at the screen but instead spent my time with my audience.

My wording also fit my role as a marketer. It was enthusiastic enough to persuade my customers to adopt my product, yet still formal enough to fit the ambience. Besides, wearing formal clothes made me feel professional as well as helping me feel the responsibilities that I had to carry.

One point that needed improvement was the Q&A part. I think my team mates and I did not prepare well enough to give out satisfying answers to all of the questions raised.

As a team, thanks to the thorough preparation and the rehearsing phrase, we could perform a fine job during the presentation, switching smoothly from one speaker to another, synchronizing the slides with and speech, and working together to answer the questions during Q&A, though not very productively :)

In conclusion, I would like to thank Win Yee and Christabel for the great jobs they have done. Without them, we would not have had quite a successful presentation like that.

Below is the video clip of our presentation, credited to Christabel:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Reflection on Meeting 1

Above is a screen capture from our team meeting's video.

After watching the video recording of our team meeting, I feel that we did perform well during the meeting. After an issue was raised, we all contributed to the discussion to find out the solution to the problem. Our team leader, Jeremy, did a very good job in steering the discussion. Each bullet in the agenda was solved chronologically and plausibly thanks to him. Abhinav was the one with the best programming skills among three of us; hence, he helped us clarify any doubt and understand how to implement the code. Each of us did try our best to tackle to problem. However, since the problem was not really a problem at that time, the discussion was faster than expected in the agenda. Nonetheless, we were dynamic enough to discuss issues that had not been decided in the agenda, which showed that we all prepared the problem thoroughly beforehand.

However, there was some room for improvement. The seating plan and the angle of the camera was not good. Hence, in order not to hide Jeremy from view, Abhinav and I had to set our laptops on our laps. Though they are called laptops, it is very unprofessional to put the laptop on one’s laps during the meeting. Another thing was our body gestures. It is never easy and natural to hold a meeting with the presence of a camera no matter how hard one may try. Our movements were stiffened and wooden, which were not shown in latter meetings without the camera.

On the whole, I think that our meeting was successful and productive. We could managed to tackle all of the points in the agenda faster than expected and there was little time wasted on irrelevant topics.